Gas Fireplace Inserts, For Me?
When it’s time to update your home, you may stare at your existing wood burning fireplace and wonder what to do. There is no need to fear…gas inserts are here! But you may wonder, what is a gas fireplace insert? Why would we want a gas fireplace insert? What are the advantages of a gas fireplace insert? What type of look can I expect for my home? Who installs gas fireplace inserts in Calgary?
What is a gas fireplace insert?
Simply put, a gas fireplace insert is a metal box that fits into your existing wood fireplace opening. It burns gas inside the box to create heat. The exhaust gases created in the box are then sent up through a chimney that is installed inside of the existing wood fireplace chimney, where it’s then vented to the atmosphere.
Why do I need one?
Wood fireplaces are beautiful, but that beauty comes at a cost. Mainly your time and energy! A gas fireplace insert takes all the work out of enjoying your fireplace. There is no need to cut wood, haul wood, store wood, clean up ash, or maintain the chimney. Gas fireplace inserts can be equipped with a wireless remote and a thermostat that maintain a consistent temperature.
Insert advantages!
Besides the savings of time and energy that have been mentioned in the preceding paragraph, there are also benefits from the inherent design of an inserts. Fireplace inserts are designed to be sealed and self contained, removing drafts and increasing the overall efficiency of your home. The fireplace insert design also helps to keep the installation cost down, due to their self contained nature and compact size.
How will a gas fireplace insert affect the look of your home?
Fireplace inserts come in many different looks and sizes. They are produced by reputable companies that have a proven track record for safety and design. There are multiple customizable options available with a fireplace insert – from the type of background and media, to the size and look of the log sets and accents inside the visual part of the insert. But the customization doesn’t stop there, the fireplace surround can be customized with tile, stone and brick veneers, and endless hearth and mantle options. Gas fireplace inserts can match any look you can imagine, while providing a balance in comfort and ease of use.
Get professional help!
While the choices in fireplace inserts can seem endless, choosing a respectable fireplace company can make the decision making process easier. The right fireplace company can help answer all of your questions and guide you through the fireplace selection process. Choose a fireplace company that will come out to your home and provide you with a consultation to explain the options and scope of work required to ensure a safe and secure installation.
At TH Fireplaces we help to make the fireplace selection process easy. We have over 100 Five-Star Google reviews from local customers who can attest to our service and products. Come into our showroom or call us at 403.287.3958.
Visit us at thfireplaces.ca or follow us on Facebook and instagram.